Legal Notice

Identification data

EDUVIC SCCL is a company registered in the Register of Cooperatives, with number 6633. Its address is C / Castelao, 124 Local, Hospitalet de Llobregat (08902), and VAT: F60709896.

EDUVIC email:

Escola Itinere email:

Validity of the information

Access to the EDUVIC portal and also the information regarding any of the products and services it contains implies acceptance of the conditions contained in this legal notice. Similarly, the information contained on these pages is the current one at the time of its last update. However, the information regarding products and services offered on this website is exclusively indicative and in no way binding.

Intellectual or industrial property

The content of this website is protected by the Industrial or Intellectual Property Law. Therefore, the contents, source code, form, design, pages, brands, trade names, logos, as well as the name of products, applications, and tools are the property of EDUVIC and their distribution, modification, transmission, copying, or any use of them must be expressly authorized by EDUVIC. It should be noted that the violation of the rules protecting industrial or intellectual property entails, where appropriate, in addition to possible economic responsibilities, the requirement of criminal responsibilities.


The information contained on these web pages is current as of the date of its last update and does not represent any contractual obligation for EDUVIC, but is presented for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any type of product or service. You can confirm the date of the last update of any information through the form that appears by clicking on the homepage of the website.

EDUVIC rejects any responsibility that may arise from the improper use of the contents of its web pages and reserves the right to update, delete, limit, or prevent access temporarily or permanently without prior notice. Nor is it responsible for any information not directly prepared by the company and specifically disclaims any responsibility for the information contained on websites accessed through links (links).

Likewise, EDUVIC is not responsible for any security errors that may occur due to the use of computers infected with computer viruses, nor for the consequences arising from the malfunction of the browser (browser) or the use of outdated versions.

EDUVIC: All rights reserved.